Dublin Areas Targeted

There has been a 80% increase in burglaries in the South Dublin Area last month.

Here are some important points you should bear in mind regarding security for your home or business.

Firstly due to the high volume of burglaries in the South Dublin area and we are asking people to be more vigilant.

We appreciate that no one wants to be a nosey neighbour but I’m afraid it has now become necessary for all of us to keep a look out!

Just because someone is wearing a high viz jacket or even carrying an ID doesn’t mean they are legitimate.

Don’t be afraid to ask  “ Excuse me but who are you looking for “ or “ Hey have you permission to be in there “

We are finding that groups of 3 to 5 are working together in the area and may try the old reliable of distracting you at the front door while the other one or two work on the rear.


  • How does your house or business look to the Intruder?
  • Is there an older bell box on the gable or does it have an out of date label !
  • Is the original alarm company still in business?
  • Does your old system present as a Non Monitored Alarm.
  • Is the phone number just a mobile number or is it disconnected?

Yes some buildings still don’t even have an alarm box and it is just inviting an intruder to visit.
At this time of the year more and more people are leaving their windows open to air their home after a grey damp winter.
Remember that a Loss Assessor / Adjuster may view the fact that a window was left open as a case of neglect and with no visible sign of forced entry !
A replacement bell box with flashing blue led’s will indicate that the system is upgraded or even new.
As all of our systems are monitored 247 they will send the alarm activation to our control room in approximately 20 seconds.
Now you can choose from a hybrid system which will incorporate the working parts of your existing alarm and interconnect with our new wireless detection devices.
You don’t have to purchase a completely new system as there is still value in what you already have so why not choose an System Upgrade with 24 Hour Monitoring and of course that nice New SAB Bell Box !
We are here to help answer your questions so please ask as our advice is Comprehensive and Free !

Alarm Security : T. 2840000

Joe McDonald :  M. 087 2481118