McDonald Group Services lead the way in technology with the launch of their HKC Alarm Monitoring App.
The HKC APP enables the sending and receiving of commands, notifications, and alerts over GPRS & IP via the communication module of your HKC alarm system.
SecureCom is a cloud based solution for both Installers and End Users. Installers can connect to installations using any of the three new communication modules (GSM/GPRS / WiFi Card / Lan Card) and carry out Upload / Download or Remote Maintenance over the internet.
Remote Alarm Monitoring is an easy to use yet powerful application which allows you to remotely control your Burglar Alarm System provided that GSM Protocol is supported. You can remotely control your Home or Office System through SMS.
If you have an office or a retail store, you may also have a security system that to alert you and the police in case of a break-in–or a webcam set up to monitor your business in your absence. But the capabilities of security systems go much further than they did even a few years ago, letting you monitor your business from a smartphone or tablet.